Friday, March 21, 2003

The Quiet American and ....well...ALL THAT WAR. Very good book, by Graham Greene, and movie just as well done. Michael Cane very on target, understated acting, but deeply felt. And very apropo to the times....feh. busy working day, tropical Pucci, in the midst of the world falling apart, still possible to work, eat, speak on the phone....cuddle, shop, etc etc....feels unreal, I feel unreal. Woeful isn't even the half of it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

War. When an elephant steps on an ant. We call that war. Sudden interruption of prgramming, very woeful, very disturbing. Feel anxiety and anger and just imense sadness. There is only one axis of evil: warmongering. Killing. Bombing.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Take a deep breath....
And pray. Problem is: to who? Who hears our prayers against war, against violence? Feh.....Shrub intent on his course, wonder how he squares it away with his supposedly CHRISTIAN do you sleep at night after killing thousands? Weimar republic, here we come.
Monday monday...horrid dreams and insomnia as result desultory sleepy morning....working against drowsiness, feh....luckily kick a** coffee from Mazzola, hazelnut. Nummy!
Cery disturbing all the war stuff. Seems like reason has fled fled fled....shrub intent on it from the get go, actually feel that there never ever was any plan NOT to go to war....feel anxious and woeful....even though weather exceedingly lovely, and clouds ever so pretty. Finsihing work frantically in order to be able to walk on Brooklyn promenade and look at ocean and Verrazano bridge later....plans for Thai with friends this evening is happening even whilst horror looms....I feel angry and numb and woeful and and and.....

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Warring thoughts....deep sorrow over impending doom and anger too at the incredible and overhwelming idioy, graspingness and hypocracy of our fearless ruling leaders....feh. Really utterly umimaginable what is going on, seems like a horrible dream, excepting of course that for millions of people in an all too short day this will be all too real. Cannot imagine what kind of conscience these people have and how they sleep at night. How do they excuse this, and to whom? All the religious rethoric is frightening too.....what happened to seperation of church and state???All the trouble here, un-employment, the lack of health insurance the probelems socially which are increasing, the violence....feh. Ok, enough for a Sunday morning rant, coffee is not meant to accompany ranting....Potato peacefully curled up on the duvet, neighbor playing his piano, very noxious, don't know why, but I have found as an adult that piano opresses me...and then when it is practice on top of it!!! Feh....Better go out, not much to be done here except sit and brood.....not a good scenario for a slut....;-)