Saturday, March 15, 2003

Wedding wonderful, all woozy and tipsy and happy and sleepy.... and quiet time....reading emails for some of the lists, thinking how banal and mundane some comment are, and how much people love acrimony and pontificating. Actually email lists a window and a reflection of things in general. Mediocrity is us, much drivel! I hardly ever post, so maybe it isn't fair to be critical, but in general haven't yet seen anything on most of my lists that galvanizes me into contributing.....out of 7 lists, only 2 really worth reading and contemplating and on both of those (one Plato, another bdsm)I do not know enough about the subject to write....sooooo....demure slut on both, feh.

Friday, March 14, 2003

Sooooo annoying! Frantic day, forgot Potato outside and it was very cold. She chastized me pitifully when I finally realized. Thud. Heart in shoe, truly felt very badly. Know she has fur, but still....she's already shedded some in anticipation of spring, and she was very hungry....feh. Poor whiskery domme....bailed on the bondage demo, too many things to do, and weekend already half eaten up with social obligations. My slutdom for a vacation! Looking at a map and dreaming.....alas, everywhere I would love to go is at the moment a problem spot of one type or another.....sad, yes? Trying to figure out how to decorate my home here, but am at the moment stymied by lack of blogger co-opration. Actually I ought not type that it could be entirely my incompetence and fecklessness which is at fault, feh....most likely it is....argh.
Another day! Milk-less house...and late wake-up. Cold again, and loads of stuff floating about the brainbox. Thinking of Paddles for tonight, a rope bondage demo....problem is I don't want to tie, I want to BE tied, ;-). Oh well....probably best to stay in and do constructive stuff, like cleaning, and getting rid of some piles....we'll see. Much stuff going on tomorrow, soooo.....

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

She BLOGS!!! Feh....
FOD on the blink tonight, things a bit anxious....change is good, feh. trying out this venue, so when FOD is down I have another home.....